+ Intro
It’s no secret that with all of the functionality offered with Google Drive, the current user interface is dated and in need of an update. With this project, Google’s cloud-based storage system received a significant overhaul including revised navigation, highly customizable viewing options for stored data, a new file-previewing feature called Google Lightbox, and a revised storage plan selection page. Through all of this the screens exhibited below maintain a playful yet streamlined look & feel that still conveys the Google brand.
+ Roles
Website, Product Design + Art Direction
+ Colors
+ Fonts
/ home
Previewing files within Google Drive has never been easier with the introduction of Google Lightbox. Instantly preview multiple files including Google Docs, Slides, & Sheets right from Drive.
/ lightbox
/ recent
+ Swag
Google One, Google's storage subscription plan across all of its products also received a revision with a streamlined storage plan selection page and additional supporting data visualization graphics demonstrating how your storage is broken up across Google Drive, Google Photos, & Gmail.
/ ecomm